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Three Steps To Success:

  1. Search or Browse for Sermons:


    • Choose the sermon you are interested in.
    • If you want to know more about a sermon, then click on the "Keywords" button beside the sermon you are interested in. A new window will pop up with a list of all the keywords that other people have submitted for that sermon.
    • Click on the "Add to Cart" button beside the sermon you want and it will be placed in your download cart.


    • Enter the criteria (i.e., keywords) that you are looking for into the "Search for" textbox.
    • Choose the type of information (e.g., Title or Keyword) you want to search through and then click on the "Search" button. The search engine will generate a list of available relevant sermons.
    • If you want to know more about a sermon, then click on the "Keywords" button beside the sermon you are interested in. A new window will pop up with a list of all the keywords that other people have submitted for that sermon.
    • Click on the "Add to Cart" button beside the sermon you want and it will be placed in your download cart.

  2. Downloading Sermons:

    • Add as many sermons to your download cart as you like.
    • Next, click on "View Cart" on the Menu to see view all of your chosen sermons.
    • At this point, you do not have to download all of your sermons. Again, this is the purpose of having your own Username; namely, to allow you to choose which sermons you are interested in and then download them at your convenience. Consequently, you can log off of this site and when you return your previously selected sermons remain in your download cart.
    • If you decide that you no longer wish to download a certain sermon, simply click on the "Remove" button beside that sermon and it will be removed from your download cart.
    • To download each sermon to your computer, simply click on the "Download" button beside the desired sermon and you will be prompted to save it to your computer.

  3. Adding Keywords to a Sermon:

    • After listening to a sermon, please come back and add keywords to that sermon, because this will greatly facilitate the searching process for subsequent people.
    • To do this simply log into the site and return to your download cart and click on the "Add Keywords" button beside that sermon and this will allow you to add relevant keywords to that sermon.
    • Ensure that you have selected the proper sermon by looking at the information that is displayed about it.
    • If applicable, a list of Keywords already entered into the database for that sermon is displayed at the bottom (in the table with the "Keywords" header), however, if you are the first to enter in keywords then it will be blank.
    • If there are already keywords entered in for a sermon, but you feel that more are needed, please do not hesitate to enter them in. There is no limit to the number of keywords allowed and the more keywords there are associated with any given file, the greater likelihood of subsequent people finding what they are looking for.
    • Once you have added keywords to a sermon, click on the "Remove" button and it will be removed from the list. Subsequently, if you decide to add additional key words to a specific sermon, then you will once again need to add that sermon to your download cart and then click on the "Add Keywords" button, however, please keep in mind that you will not have to download it again.

    Despite best efforts to remove all of the bugs from the site, there still may be a few of those pesky critters here and there. Please let me know if/when you find one and I'll take care of it right away.